Accident Insurance | Aetna

Accident Insurance | Aetna

Accident Insurance

Can help ease the financial impact that comes with unexpected accident expenses.

Here's what you need to know

Aetna Accident Insurance is a valuable financial resource if a covered accident takes you (and your budget) by surprise.


No one plans to be injured in an accident. You can, however, be prepared for the unexpected expenses associated with an accident by enrolling in Accident Insurance. Once you’re enrolled, you’ll be better prepared with an added cushion of financial security that’s specifically designed to help take the sting from your accident-related bills. 


Accident Insurance:

  • Can help cover out-of-pocket expenses that occur when you have an accidental injury
  • Pays cash benefits directly to you
  • Lets you decide how to use the money – whether it’s for medical bills, childcare, groceries, or more 


You can receive benefits under this plan in addition to other coverage you have, including your employer’s major medical plan, any other type of medical coverage, disability insurance, or other benefits you may be eligible to collect. However, it is NOT a substitute for these coverages and does not meet minimum essential coverage as defined by federal law. Limits may apply to the number of times benefits are paid. Please review your plan documents for complete list of benefits, details, exclusions, and limitations that apply.

Healing from an accidental injury can be costly to your budget in two ways:


  • Bills. Accidents may have unexpected out-of-pocket costs that take you by surprise like deductibles, copays, and uncovered expenses. All of these can put a serious dent in your savings.   
  • Lost wages. Your accident recovery could mean taking time out of work. Or a family member might need to take time off to drive you to medical appointments or assist you in other ways. Either could impact the paycheck your family may rely on to keep everything on track. No one wants to struggle to pay regular bills with a reduced income while on the mend.

You may use your Accident Insurance benefits any way you choose, without limitations or approvals from your major medical insurance. You can use it to help pay for medical expenses or non-medical expenses – anything that becomes a financial concern if your accident results in unexpected expenses.


Access to this plan can help you financially while you recover from your accident. Having less financial worry can mean a more positive mindset for focusing on your recovery.

These are the periods when you are eligible to enroll for Accident Insurance:

  • Within your new hire enrollment period 
  • If you have a qualifying life event (you get married, have a baby, etc.)
  • During your annual enrollment 


Check with your human resources/benefits team for specifics about these timeframes.


Keep in mind: If you enroll during these timeframes, you have what is called "guaranteed issue," which means you qualify for the Accident Plan without answering health questions. You must have this plan in place before an accident happens in order to be eligible to collect the benefit when you need it.2  

These form(s) are in Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF) format and are available for downloading and printing.


Benefit Summary


After you become a member, you’ll enjoy an Aetna Simplified Claims Experience™ on or on the My Aetna Supplemental app.


You can also view your coverage documents and sign up for direct deposit.


If you have questions or need a paper claim form call Aetna Member Services at 1-800-607-3366 (TTY: 711), Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 6 PM.

How It Works

Number one Enroll now icon

You enroll in Accident Insurance

Number two Ambulance icon

After the plan is in effect, you are injured in an accident 

Number three Giving money icon

Receive a cash benefit

Number four moneybag icon

Use your money however you want

You are injured in an accident.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is the provider?



    Insurance plans are underwritten by Aetna Life Insurance Company.

  • When is a benefit paid under the plan?

    Once your plan is effective, you’ll receive benefits for a covered accident. These benefits may have other limitations and exclusions that may affect what’s payable. This plan provides protection for covered events. See your plan summary or certificate of coverage for full details on your coverage.
  • Who in my family is eligible for this program?

    Members of your family who are considered eligible to enroll for coverage include:

    • You – if you are an active employee
    • Your legal spouse
    • Your eligible dependent children


    You must be enrolled in coverage for members of your family to also enroll.  

  • How much does this insurance cost?

    This is a group plan offered at group rates, and everyone pays the same rate regardless of age, depending on the chosen plan.  Refer to your enrollment website or plan summaries for rates.
  • Do I have to answer health questions or take a medical exam?

    No, you don’t. Your Accident Insurance is guaranteed issue, which means no medical questions or tests are required to enroll in this coverage. Pre-existing condition limitations may apply.
  • What if my employment status changes?

    Good news! If you leave or retire from your current employer, you can continue the Accident Plan without interruption (subject to applicable law and the policy’s terms and conditions). Although payroll deduction will no longer be available, you can opt for other payment methods such as credit card billing or home billing. Higher rates may apply.
  • When would my coverage start?

    Coverage becomes effective for new members on the coverage effective date. Check with your HR team to determine when coverage begins for new hires and for qualifying life events.
  • Am I really free to use the payment any way I choose?

    Yes, you are! There are no restrictions or requirements about how you can use your accident cash benefit. Accidents aren’t something you can plan for – but you can be prepared with extra cash when one catches you off guard. You’re free to use this money on anything you choose, including out-of-pocket medical expenses and/or non-medical expenses. It can feel empowering to have this kind of flexibility.

Are you ready To Enroll?

Act now to elect the Accident Insurance to help offset expenses that may not be covered by other insurance plans.

Do You Need Help?

Our team is ready

M-F 9a-6p ET

Phone Number: 1-866-795-4268
  • Legal Disclaimers

    See your plan summary for details, including exclusions and limitations that apply.


    1Covered services/treatments must be the result of an accident as defined in the group policy/certificate. See your Disclosure Statement or Outline of Coverage/Disclosure Document for more details.


    2Coverage is guaranteed provided the employee is actively at work. Some states require the insured to have medical coverage.


    3Eligibility for portability through the Continuation of Insurance with Premium Payment provision may be subject to certain eligibility requirements and limitations. For more information, contact your employer.

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